Stand with Time | Suntech Classic Project—A Look Inside the Head Office’s Eco Building

When the first rays of the sun stretch over the Pacific Ocean horizon at 120 degrees east longitude, they glitter off the long winding Yangtze River on the Asian continent to then shimmer off the PV facade of Suntech head office’s Eco Building. The first chapter of the Suntech memoirs opens in this brilliant way.
Exhibition News | Suntech attended CISolar in Ukraine

Suntech attends CISolar 2019 (8th International Solar Energy Conference and Trade Show of Central and Eastern Europe) as an exhibitor during April 16th to 18th, 2019 in Kyiv, Ukraine. As the premier solar energy conference and trade show of Central and Eastern Europe, CISolar has become the main meeting point for the global and local market players to gather, get the market insights, meeting partners and clients. The exhibition also held several forums and conferences around solar energy and renewable energy, energy development, etc., providing modern technology solutions for energy efficiency and renewable energy.