Suntech Global Summit︱Enhance Industry Cooperation in Upstream and Downstream, Build Full Industry Chain of Photovoltaic Sector with Joint Forces

On June 1, Suntech announced to consolidate the close cooperation in upstream and downstream chains of the photovoltaic industry. Efforts in this regard included the conclusion of strategic cooperation agreements with DSM Advanced Solar and Sineng Electric at the Suntech Global Customer Summit. By working closely with DSM Advanced Solar and Sineng Electric, Suntech hopes to converge the strengths of two companies in development of customized modules and joint brand promotion, thus jointly realizing the vision of building the full industry chain of photovoltaic sector. Mr. Pascal Sain-de (Vice President of DSM Advanced Solar), Mr. Duan Yuhe (President of Sineng Electric), Mr. Li Jianfei (Vice President and CTO of Sineng Electric), Mr. He Shuangquan (President of Suntech), Mr. Zhang Wei and Mr. Cao Xiaorong (Vice Presidents of Suntech) attended the signing ceremony.